Sequoia Massage Therapy

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. 

~World Health Organization, 1948

Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.  When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.

 ~B.K.S. Iyengar

Either way you look at it, health is an interactive and holistic process.  Receiving massage and practicing yoga are two ways in which you can take an active role in increasing and maintaining your overall health.

  I believe in a multidisciplinary approach to health care and look forward to working with you using massage and/or yoga to restore and maintain your body's natural balance, alignment, length, and ease.

    I use a blend of the massage techniques outlined on the Massage Services page, but my work is based on deep tissue sculpting massage.  This type of massage uses hands, elbows or fingertips to provide firm, constant pressure along the length of the muscle to slowly melt contractions in the muscle and surrounding tissues.  When an area of resistance is found constant pressure is maintained while the tissue relaxes and the resistance releases. This slow, deep work allows both the body and the mind to release built up holding patterns and fully integrate the new feeling of ease into the body.

    The goal of deep tissue sculpting is to:
           •    Organize and restore elasticity to chronically shortened muscle and fascia
           •    Reestablish independent muscle action
           •    Release adhesions in the muscular attachments to the skeleton
           •    Increase localized circulation in chronically tight muscles
           •    Balance intrinsic/extrinsic muscle function and awareness

       I also provide private beginning Hatha yoga instruction.  Private classes are perfect if you are interested in beginning a personal yoga practice, deepening an existing practice or simply working on your posture.  Please see the Yoga Instruction page for more information on the practice and benefits of yoga.

         I look forward to working with you,